• What's the FOB price of your product?

    FOB price:- Is the actual amount of items needed to be supplied, logistics & package cost to the point of load.

  • What's the CIF cost of your product?

    CIF price:- Is the actual amount of items & total delivery price from point of load to point of delivery, packaging, loading, & offloading, the freight &: insurance.

  • Do you do pay on delivery?

    No, we do not.

  • What do we accept?

    We only accept FOB

  • Target Countries?

    Italy, Burkina Faso, Germany, Spain, UAE, France, India, Malaysia, Mexico, China, Bangladesh, UK, Pakistan, Netherlands, Japan, Egypt, Ghana, Argentina.

  • Product We Export?

    Bitter cola, Cocoa, Hibiscus flower, Clove, Black pepper, Ginger, Turmeric, Honey, Soybeans, Sesame seed, Tiger nut, Palm oil, Onions, Okra, Yam, Fresh vegetables, Wheat, Cashew nut, Fish, Coconut, Plantain, Cabbage, Rice, Garri, Pineapple, Fresh tomatoes.

  • How to get intouch with us?

    Address: No 5 Chief Ubani street, Ogbor Hill, Aba, Abia State.

    Email: rogsegfarmsltd8783@gmail.com, info@rogsegfarms.com

    Phone: +2347049126350, +2347018555019, +2349134453015

    For further enquiries, questions, and feedback, kindly fill our contact forms.

Contact Us

Get Intouch With Us

Our Company is one of the widely trusted exporters and suppliers of agricultural products from Nigeria to a lot of countries.

About us

We offer a comprehensive range of electrical services for domestic and commercial properties at a reasonable price.


We operate through our modern pack house / cold storage facility for grapes, onion grading center & modern packing facility for Vegetable in Nashik (India) with Best Hygienic conditions.


Being quality conscious organization ,all our produce from associated growers are closely monitored in various growth stages till packaging, the produce can be tested in APEDA recognized laboratories as per customer’s need.


Rogsegfarms Packing is carried out in APEDA Approved pack house in hygienic packaging material to suit end users requirements for export as well as domestic market.


Quality is not an accident, miracle or an assumed thing but it is continuous and sustained efforts of strong techno-managerial skill and dedication towards target. We are committed to ensure our strong privilege to fulfill the requirements of our valuable customers and strengthen the confidence and improve the prosperity of growers.